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Customer Teams

New Feature Release

Written by Daniel Mudge
Updated over 3 months ago

Introducing Customer Teams

Customer Teams is a new feature that merges two previous Aryeo features: Customer Groups and Teams. Customer Teams offers all the same functionality of these previous features for you and your customers, with the added benefit that groups of customers you manage will be kept in sync with your customer’s teams.

Customer Group and Team Migration

When Customer Teams launched, all previous Customer Groups and Teams were automatically converted into a Customer Team. These new Customer Teams also automatically received all the same settings as the Customer Groups they were converted from. Customers were automatically assigned a user role of ‘member’ or ‘admin’ based on their existing access to other customer’s listings.

Key Functionality

Customer Teams offer all the same functionality as the previous Customer Groups feature. In addition, your customers with the ‘admin’ role will get access to a subset of these actions.

Available to Photography Company

Available to Customers

Apply pricing plans



Configure billing settings



Set marekting material templates



Set order form overrides



View and manage team roster


Yes (admins only)

Access team member orders and listings


Yes (admins only)

Update notification settings


Yes (admins only)

Set group branding


Yes (admins only)

Connection to Orders and Listings

When a customer is placing an order, the order will always need to be associated with a Customer Team (even if this is a team of one). By default, your customers will always have a team with just themselves that is created for them automatically. After an order has been placed, the same listing can later be added to multiple Customer Teams.

Knowing which Customer Team a listing is associated with is important for your customers, because they will need to have selected the correct team within their dashboards in order to see the listing on the 'Listings' page. For more information for what your customers see when interacting with Customer Teams in the Customer Portal, see the Teams article.

Accessing Customer Teams

To access the Customer Teams feature inside your Aryeo account, click on “Customers” under the General section on the left-side menu of your Aryeo account:

Then click on “Customer Teams”:

Creating New Customer Teams

On the Customer Teams overview page, click the 'Create Team' button to setup a new Customer Team. After clicking this button, you'll be able to set a name for the Customer Team, and optionally set a description and brokerage name:

Recommended Customer Team Setup

We recommend setting up a Customer Team for each brokerage or organization that your company serves. Within those teams, assign the 'admin' role to anyone who serves a coordinator role, needs to order on behalf of other customers, or needs to get access to listings of other customers.

We strongly recommend against having customers from different brokerages or organizations within the same Customer Team. The reason for this is that anyone with an 'admin' role on a Customer Team will get access to the listings of others in the Customer Team. Unless your customers intend to share access to their listings to those outside their organization, this is a scenario you will want to avoid.

Managing Customer Team Settings

You will then be able to view all of your Customer Teams. You can click “Edit” on a Customer Team to view and adjust the details, members & admins, products, pricing, listings, and other settings for that specific Customer Team:

Why am I not able to see my Customer Teams with only one member?

By default, Aryeo hides all Customer Teams with only one member on the Customer Teams list view. Teams of one can be toggled into view by using the “Show teams of one” filter.

Adding New Customers to a Team

Within the 'Members and Admin' settings you can view the roster of the team and add new users (either by bulk import or individually):

User Roles

Within a Customer Team, your customers can have one of two roles: ‘Member’ or ‘Admin’. Members can only view their own listings and place orders for themselves. Admins can view the listings of all members of a team, place orders on behalf of any member in the team, add users to the team, change the roles of users on the team, and update some team settings.

Actions available to users with the ‘Member’ vs. ‘Admin’ role as as follows:

For most teams, the ‘Admin’ role should be assigned to anyone who serves a coordinator or admin role on behalf others. Individual agents who don’t have the need to access the listings of others should generally be given the ‘Member’ role.

Changing User Roles

You can change the role of any customer within a Customer Team by navigating to the 'Members and Admin' settings and clicking the options button on the right side of each customer row:

Removing or Archiving Customers on a Customer Team

When attempting to remove a customer from a Customer Team, you may notice that sometimes they can deactivate the member, while other times you can remove them altogether.

You will see the option to “deactivate” a team member if that member has Listings associated with the Customer Team. These members will still be able to see their Listings, but will no longer be able to receive any benefits from the Customer Team or place orders with the team. In this scenario, the customer’s name will still appear on the Customer Team roster with the “Archived” tag:

You will see the option to “remove” a team member entirely if that member has no Listings associated with the Customer Team. These members will be completely removed from the team, since they will have no listings to leave behind associated with the Customer Team.

Archiving a Customer Team

Company users have the ability to “Archive” a Customer Team from the Customer Teams overview page, which will change its status from “Active” to “Archived”. Archiving a Customer Team will also cause all users on that team to receive the “Archived” status:

An archived team can be reactivated by clicking the options button on the right hand side of the row and selecting “Reactive”. Reactivating a team will restore all individual users to the status they had before the team was archived.

Effects of Archiving Customer Teams and Customers

Given a customer has an individual status of “Archived” on an active Customer Team, or is a member of an archived Customer Team, that user will still be able to view and edit listings that they are a customer of. However, they won’t be able to place new orders on that team, set that team as their default, or access any of the team settings (if they were an admin):


Supported action for archived member/team?

Switch to the archived team within their portal


View listings they are a customer of


Place new orders under the Customer Team


Set the team as their default


Receive notifications about any listing within the team


(If Admin) View listings of team members


(If Admin) Edit team settings


Notification Settings

You can change settings for which notifications those with the admin role on a customer team receive. By default, admins will receive notifications from any listing associated with a Customer Team. Notifications can be disabled for all admins, or enabled on an individual customer basis by clicking ‘Edit’ next to each notification:

Assigning a Pricing Plan to a Customer Team

If you want members of a Customer Team to receive a coupon code, pricing overrides, or unique products whenever they order, you can achieve this by assigning a Pricing Plan to the Customer Team. Navigate to the 'Products & Pricing' section and select a Pricing Plan you want to assign.

Keep in mind that if you want multiple Customer Teams to receive the same custom pricing, you can assign the same Pricing Plan to multiple Customer Teams at the same time. If you don't yet have any pricing plans, you can configure one under the 'Products' section of your dashboard.

Changing a Listing's Customer Team

You can change the Customer Team a listing is associated with by going to the listing page, removing the current customer, and then adding a new customer to the listing (this can be the same customer). When adding a new customer, you will be prompted to select the desired Customer Team:

Adding a Listing to a Customer Team

You can add a listing to an additional Customer Team by adding a second customer to the listing and selecting the desired Customer Team. The same listing will then be associated with multiple Customer Teams at the same time, and visible to admins within each of them:


  • Why are there a large number of new Customer Teams in my Aryeo account?

    • At the time of the Customer Teams migration, Customer Teams were created for any existing Customer Group and any Agent Team that had one or more listings associated with it. Some photography companies may end up with many Customer Teams if they had agents with teams of their own and those agents placed orders outside of their Customer Groups.

  • Can I have customers from different brokerages or organizations in the same Customer Team?

    • We strongly recommend against using Customer Teams this way. Anyone with an 'admin' role on a Customer Team will get access to the listings of others in the Customer Team, which means that customers could get access to listings their team doesn't own.

  • How should I use Customer Teams if I want to apply discounts across customers from different brokerages?

    • Create a Customer Team for each brokerage or organization you want to receive discounted pricing, and then create a Pricing Plan (found under product settings) for the price overrides or coupons you want to apply. You can then apply this pricing plan to all of the Customer Teams you want to receive discounts.

  • Can a Customer Team with only 1 customer exist?

    • Yes, however they are hidden from the Customer Teams list by default. You can see these Customer Teams with only 1 customer by updating the filters on the Customer Teams page.

  • Can a customer be an admin on multiple Customer Teams?

    • Yes, customers can be admins of any number of Customer Teams.

  • Can the admin of a Customer Team see the listings of a member that is also associated with another, different Customer Team?

    • No, admins of a Customer Team can only see listings that are ordered for members of that specific Customer Team.

  • Where can the admin of a Customer Team find the listings of the team members in that Customer Team?

    • Admins should go to the listings page and then select from the Customer Team dropdown in the top left corner of their dashboard to make sure they’re in the correct Customer Team. They can also search for a member's name on the listing page to find listings specifically from that member.

  • How can an admin place an order on behalf of their team member in the Customer Team?

    • To order on behalf of someone else, admins should first enter an order form (available from the ‘Place order’ button in the top left corner). Next, once they've arrived at the ‘Services’ step of the order form, they will want to click the ‘Manage’ button to choose the Customer Team they want to place the order on, and then search for and select the specific team member they want to order on behalf of.

  • Can an admin pay for an order using a team member’s card on file?

    • No, customers can only pay using their own payment method.

  • Does the Customer Team branding impact marketing materials?

    • Yes, the Customer Team branding can be applied to marketing materials. The brokerage’s brand name and photo are available from the Customer Team. In addition, an agent’s name and avatar photo will be available in the marketing materials

  • What types of events does the Activity Log track for a Customer Team?

    • The activity log will show when product settings and billing settings are updated, when coupons are used, when new team members are added, and a few various other events.

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