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The Teams feature allows groups of users to share branding and listing access across multiple members of a team.

Written by Daniel Mudge
Updated over 3 months ago


Aryeo’s Teams feature allows groups of users to share branding and listing access across multiple members of a team. This feature should be especially useful for any users who have assistants or coordinators that commonly order or manage media on their behalf.

Creating or Joining a Team for the First Time

All users will have a team by default, which initially will consist of just one member (themselves). If you'd like to create or join a new team, click the dropdown in the top left corner of your dashboard and then click ‘Create or join a team’:

You will then see the option to either 'Create a team' or 'Join a team':

Clicking ‘Create team’ will ask you to choose a team name, and optionally a description and brokerage name before creating the team. Please consult with your broker or manager before creating any new teams of your own.

If a team already exists that you want to join, select ‘Join a team’. Then enter the affiliate code and click ‘Join team’ to be added to the team. By default, you will start with the member role. If you should have admin access, please contact anyone on the team with admin access or your photography company so that they can assign you the admin role.

Finding Affiliate Codes

Any admin on an existing team will be able to see the ‘Affiliate ID’ field within their team settings page. Your photography company can also access these Affiliate IDs:

Switching Between Teams

To access the Teams feature inside your account, first click the dropdown menu in the top left corner of your dashboard to view the Teams dropdown. This dropdown will show all teams that you are currently a member of. You can change teams by clicking on the team you want to switch to. You can also create or join a team by selecting the “Create or join a team” option.

Your ‘default’ team is the team that will be chosen for you by default when placing new orders:

User Roles

As of October 2024, Teams now supports user roles. All users of a team will either have a ‘Member’ or an ‘Admin’ role. Members can only view their own listings and place orders for themselves. Admins can view the listings of all members of a team, place orders on behalf of any member in the team, add users to the team, change the roles of users on the team, and update some team settings.

Actions available to users with the ‘Member’ vs. ‘Admin’ role as as follows:

For most teams, the ‘Admin’ role should be assigned to anyone who serves a coordinator or admin role on behalf others. Individual agents who don’t have the need to access the listings of others should generally be given the ‘Member’ role.

Managing Team Settings

Those members with admin status on a team will be able to access the Team details page by clicking ‘Team’ under the ‘Team Settings’ section of the left-hand side menu:

Admins can then update the team’s details as well as manage membership on the team by selecting “Team Details” or “Members and Admin”:

Adding New Members to a Team

Admins can view the roster of the team and add new users (either by bulk import or individually). Once a member is added, they will need to accept an invitation to join before formally joining the team. Admins can then change the role (Admin or Member) of each user, or archive users.


Admins can archive a user on a Team by selecting the 'Remove member' option within the 'Members and Admin' settings. An archived team member will not be able to view listings associated with the team that they are not a customer on, will not be able to access any team settings, and will not be able to place new orders associated with the team.

Notification Settings

Admins can adjust the settings to change which notifications they and other admins on the team receive. By default, these will be turned on for all admins. Notifications can be enabled or disabled on an individual admin-by-admin basis after clicking ‘Edit’ next to each notification:


Team admins have the ability to place orders on behalf of others. To do this, they need to first enter an order form (available from the ‘Place order’ button in the top left corner of the dashboard). Once they have arrived at the ‘Services’ step of the order form, they will need to make sure to:

  1. Log in at the 'Services' step

  2. Select the team they want to order on

  3. Select the team member they want to order on behalf of

Users can click ‘Manage’ to change their current team and choose a customer they want to order on behalf of:


General Questions

  • I'm just ordering for myself - do I have to have a team?

    • All orders in Aryeo need to be associated with a "team", even if that team is a team of one person. By default, all users will start with a team with just themselves on it, which they can use to place orders.

  • Why can't I find some of my listings?

    • Your listings are each associated with a specific team, so make sure you're logged in to the right team in order to see your listings. From the dropdown under 'Current Team' in the top left corner of your dashboard you can see how many listings are associated with each of your teams. Switch to a different team to be able to see those listings on the 'Listings' page.

  • I'm just ordering for myself - do I have to have a team?

    • All orders in Aryeo need to be associated with a "team", even if that team is a team of one person. By default, all users will start with a team with just themselves on it, which they can use to place orders.

  • Does the Team’s branding impact marketing materials?

    • Yes, your Team’s branding (like name and logo) can be applied to marketing materials.

Admin Questions

  • Can a user only be the admin of one Team?

    • No, users can be an admin of any number of Teams.

  • I have a listing coordinator who I want to grant access to my listings to. How do I do that?

    • If you have admin status on your current team, click on the 'Team' settings in your left sidebar under 'Team Settings' and find the 'Members and Admins' section. Then, click 'Invite member' to add the contact information for the person you want to invite to the team. To grant access to your listings, make sure to grant this new member the admin role.

  • Can the admin of a Team see the listings of a member that is also associated with another, different Customer Team?

    • No, admins of a Customer Team can only see the listings that are ordered for members of that specific Customer Team.

  • Where can the admin of a Team find the listings of the team members in that Team?

    • Listings will only belong to one Team and thus will only appear visible in one Team. The admin can select from the Team dropdown in the top left corner to make sure they are in the correct Team, then go to the listings page, and then view all of the listings of the team’s members.

  • How can an admin place an order on behalf of their team member in the Team?

    • The admin can go to the listings page and then select from the desired team from the Team dropdown in the top left corner, and then place an order. Also on the listings page, admins can filter for listings that belong to specific team members.

  • Can an admin pay for an order using a team member’s card on file?

    • No, users can only pay using their own payment method.

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