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Team Management

Lesson #2 of our creator onboarding series. In this session, we'll explore team management and how to set up your teams' accounts.

Brendan Quinlan avatar
Written by Brendan Quinlan
Updated over 9 months ago

Aryeo enables you to invite team members to your account and control their access levels. We're committed to enhancing team management for large teams. We aim to make your team, along with crucial configuration options like products and availability, central to your Aryeo experience. To review and adjust team member permissions, go to the Team page, found under the "More" section of the left navigation menu.

In Team section you will be able to add your team members by entering the name and email of the team member and click "Add Team Member". They will receive an email inviting them to complete their account. Once invited to join, each member of your team will be able to access the business account with their own unique login.

Team Notifications

Notification settings put you in total control over who receives which notifications on your team. Select which channels the team member will receive notifications on. These settings are configurable by the team member.

This nuanced control allows you to specify all, select, or no members for every notification type. We hope this update makes managing your team with the Aryeo ordering and scheduling a breeze, with true control over who receives what.

Member Permissions

Select the team member whose permissions you want to control and choose which actions this team member is able to complete. Here, you can control the access this team member has to your account and business.

You can also transfer ownership to another team member, or delete this team member from your account if they no longer require access to your group account.


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