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Property Website Analytics

Find out how many people your website is reaching!

Sydney R avatar
Written by Sydney R
Updated over a week ago

Property Website Analytics give you and your customers an insight into how many people your property website has reached.

To see website analytics, log into Aryeo and open up the listing page for the property you want to view. Once you've opened the listing, look for the property website section and click the drop down arrow. This will reveal a button which reads "View All Listing Stats"

A page will open up displaying all of the stats on your property website.

In the top right corner there is a button which will give you the opportunity to pick a specific date range to see exactly the analytics data you want.

The data you can see on the Analytics page includes:

  • Site Uniques - how many total people have viewed the site

  • Site Views - how many times total the site has been viewed

  • Average Time on Site

  • Bounce Rate - percentage of people who visit a page and then leave immediately after getting to the page

  • Current Visitors - if someone if currently viewing the site you will be able to see that

If you scroll down...

On the bottom of the page you will see some different stats as well:

  • Content - where within the website the customer viewed

  • Referrers - other websites that viewers of the property websites are visiting from

  • Device Type

  • Browser

  • Country

You can open an analytics page for any of your active websites to check out the stats!

Goal completion coming soon!

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