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Invite Aryeo to Your Apple Developer Account:

Invite [email protected] to your Apple Developer Account.

Joshua Rogers avatar
Written by Joshua Rogers
Updated over a month ago

Once you have paid for your Apple Developer Account, you must invite our development team into your Apple Developer Account. Please follow the instructions below:

Video Walkthrough:

Step-by-step Walkthrough:

  1. Click on “Users and Access,”

  2. Press the plus sign (+) to add a new user.

    • Fill out the User with the following information:

      1. First Name: Aryeo,

      2. Last Name: Admin,

        • Make sure you spell Aryeo correctly!

      3. Choose “Admin” for the Permission.

      4. Under Additional Resources, turn on the setting that says:

        • Access to Cloud Managed Developer ID Certificates.
          Ensure that every box on the screen is checked.

    • Click “Invite”

Next Steps:

We now have access to your Apple Developer Account. Please proceed with the Final Step for your Apple Developer Account Setup: Generate API Keys for Apple Developer Account.

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